I offer specialized counseling for individuals experiencing fertility challenges, a perinatal mood/anxiety disorder (PMAD), or pregnancy loss.

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Common concerns include:

  • Depression and/or anxiety during pregnancy or postpartum

  • Stress related to IVF or other Assisted Reproductive Technologies

  • Pregnancy-related grief & loss

  • Improving communication with your partner

  • Helping older siblings adjust

  • Challenges specific to early parenthood:

    Asking for help and building community

    Developing confidence as a new parent

    Increasing postpartum sleep and self care

    Infant feeding difficulties

    Returning to work outside of the home/navigating child care

    Parenting with intention and mindfulness

At a time when you're giving so much of yourself, create time and support just for you. Whether you’re feeling anxious or depressed or simply need support during this significant life transition, therapy can help you prioritize your needs.

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